Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week Two Highlights

I'm a nurse! I took the NCLEX on the sixteenth and then did the Pearson Vue trick to find out my results. I was excited but more relieved that I can continue on in the program at Vandy. And how did I celebrate...I got on a plane a few hours later and headed to Nashville for a week of classes.

First checking on the phone...
Then confirming on the computer!
The trick is simple and is based off of what happens when you try to re-register. If you failed the test it lets you go all the way to the credit card screen. If you passed then you get a nice little pop up saying you have a test already schedule. I got my official results on the eighteenth but that was pretty anti climatic.

On the 'exercising' front I went swimming for the first time since IMFL and felt pretty sluggish. It was still good to get in and move. And to top off the week I ran a total of a whopping six miles. I would say I'm successfully attacking off season.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is it already off season?

It's hard to believe this week marked the end of my second triathlon season. Off season has begun and I'm already struggling to embrace it. I need the recovery. I need to allow my body to heal. I need the rest. Yet I find myself being pulled back. It's hard to sit still. It's hard to embrace it. It's hard to say no to training partners, friends, challenges, short sessions, and races. Not training is sometimes more difficult than racing itself. Maybe I'm struggling because I have nothing on the horizon: no races have been paid for and nothing is being planned. Maybe I'm worried I'll let myself slip away from the sport I have grown to love. Maybe, just maybe, I'm afraid of the fact that I know I'm supposed to use these next eight weeks to rebuild relationships and pull myself out of Ironman training isolation. That scares me. I've become comfortable being a hermit and that is unacceptable. I need community and Christian fellowship. I need to surround myself with people who can pour into me and people I can invest in. I don't need to hide. I'm through with using training as an excuse. I need to be intentional. So as much as I'm dreading the off season I'm also excited about what it will bring. So what have I done my first week of off season...

I've kayaked...twice.

I've played frisbee on the beach.
I've shot skeet.

I've played putt putt (and got a hole in one).

I've studied...ALOT.

I've taken pictures of random Panama City signs that make me sad.

I've organize, clean, finished two books, started a new one, lost a toenail, fallen asleep on the beach, saw a turkey, wrote letters, chased stingrays in the gulf, saw a production of Fiddler on the Roof, ate too much, saw my godparents, called old friends, and been productive. And whoops: I ran in a 5k race. I’m a sucker for good causes and reasonable race fees. It was put on for Toys for Tots and all you had to do was bring a new, unwrapped toy. I decided to give it a shot. I hadn’t ran, biked, or gone swimming since IMFL a week ago. My quads were still shot but there was nothing to lose even if I walked. Well guess what – I ran – and got first overall female! Woot Woot.

I'm ready to see what week two will hold! I'm driving to Tallahassee tomorrow night to wake up early Tuesday and take the NCLEX. Then driving back to Panama City and flying to Nashville Monday night. Vandy will keep me busy with a week of classes and assignments. But don't worry - I'll find some time to have a little adventure.

Blog Intro

Tri-ing to strive just isn't about striving to become a better athlete but about striving to be a better friend, daughter, sister, and student. The beauty is that I know my own strength is not enough and I cannot succeed on my own. I am not perfect and desperately need God daily. This blog is about the journey I'm on: striving to be vulnerable, moldable, and willing to respond to God's words all while trying to become a stronger triathlete. I'm striving to be more Christ-like. Praise God for his faithfulness!