This past week marked the beginning of the end of off season. This week plus two more and then I'm back to early mornings and tired legs. The next two weeks are 'transition' weeks so there is still some time to relax and go crazy with the amount of time I'm sitting around. (This was not the original plan but you will see why further down.)
Big things happened again this week. On Sunday I ran on the Smith's treadmill because of the crazy wind. I can run in the cold but wind just puts me in a cranky mood. I ended up having to two more indoor runs which was three two many. I also finished up my last exam this week and have no school related work until the first week of January. Thankfully that gives me plenty of time to finish up my parents' Christmas present: digitalizing all their old slides. It's taking more time than I thought it would.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE....I signed up for the Mississippi 50 mile trail run. Crazy stupid - I know. Monday night I was talking to MB about things on my bucket list and how I'm frustrated that I can't ever remember what I say I want to do. Well this conversation jolted my memory that I wanted to run 50 before I turned 50. I started searching on and found one in Destin on the beach. Thankfully it happens when I have to be in Nashville because I am horrible at running on the beach. I found MS 50 and knew it was perfect. Great time (early March) and good location (5 hours away). Having such a short amount of time to train will save my body and not be as harmful. January and February have been my high mileage running months the last two years. I wont have to add many more miles to what I have done in the past during this time and will not be swimming and only biking as cross training. This means more time to focus on work and school, but also still get the excitement of doing something new. The next two nights I could not sleep and constantly was picturing myself running a race. Wednesday I signed up and Friday I convinced Mrs. Smith to also sign up. She turns fifty in a few days and I somehow talked her into making my goal hers too. She then signed up the Dr. without telling him. The race sold out at 11am that morning but a few emails and one phone call to the race director and we signed Ems up for the 20k. The best thing about the race is the short distance between the aid stations and the option to switch to the 50k without getting a DNF. I plan on sticking out the 50 miles but I have to remember I have never ran on trails and there is a twelve hour time limit. I'm told to take your best marathon x 2 and add 2 hours. Well that would put me around 11 hours. So what is my goal - under 10:00. Why not - it's possible!
Thursday was the local tri/running club dirty santa Christmas party. Everyone ran 3 miles on the bridge and got a number when they got back to the K-Mart lot. The faster you were, the closer to the end you got to pick a gift. I was thankfully number 5 which meant I could steal almost anything. I came out with a Bama snuggy and was very excited especially considering all the inappropriate gifts.
The week was brought to an end by watching NBC's coverage of the Ironman World Championships. It was bitter sweet. I wasn't emotional like I had prepared myself for. I almost felt disconnected. Maybe it's because I'm still slightly disappointed and maybe it was because I don't know when I will be able to go back. I want to go back and actually race - not just participate! Nonetheless it was fun to watch and Shannon even made it on crossing the finish line. You could also see my parents cheering on the midnight finishers.
On a different note: the Panama City school board shooting took place this week. I am thankful for God's hand in the situation. It does not matter whether or not the shooter was a poor shot or if he simple did not want anyone to die except himself - God was present.
Starting the week off on the right foot.
Running on the deathmill:
23mph - gusting 43mph. Yick.
Just before I signed up for MS50. I'm a little giddy.
Cookie cake I made for the dirty santa Christmas party.
270+ registered means only a few slots left. Time to convince Mrs. Smith she doesn't have time to think about it and she should just sign up.
It worked! We are both signed up along with the Doctor.
Ended the week by watching the IM World Championship coverage with my parents.