Monday, March 7, 2011


Mississippi 50 Mile Trail Run - complete!  Race report coming soon but for now here is a picture just moments after finishing.  The day had a few twist and turns but overall was a great and challenging experiening.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Sooooo Close!

I know a race is approaching when my Brooks go from this....

To this...

To this...

Two more sleeps and these babies are going to run further than they ever have before.  Hey 50 miler: my shoes and I are ready for you!  The color is more toned down than normal and that was on purpose.  This isn't a tri race - I have to be a runner.  However, I couldn't give up the tradition completely and I shouldn't.  New shoelaces are me - strange, weird, crazy, or normal it's a tradition I'm going to keep.  The blue is a sky blue which is a good reminder to push through because my goals are sky high.  To meet them I have to take on challenges that are just out of reach.  They're also a good reminder to keep my head up and depend on the Lord.  This race is going to be tough but I'm prepared and ready to tackle it!

Monday, February 28, 2011

A very busy weekend

It was a blast.  Friday night started with a wedding rehearsal dinner at the house for a family friend's daughter.  60+ people and no major mishaps.  Everyone enjoyed the night and the wine and beer were flowing.  Couldn't have asked for a better night!  Saturday morning I woke up early and joined 7 others for an easy 35 mile ride down 30a.  Only second time out since IMFL and I loved it.  Nice and easy and good group bonding.  We choose 30a over the other major roads because once spring break hits the traffic is horrible and the road doesn't have a bike lane.  We turned around in Seaside and faced headwinds all they way home.  Thankfully I didn't pull at all since I'm in taper mode and didn't want to push too hard.  That lasted until the last five miles - I just couldn't hold back from R nagging me to push.  I gave in and it felt great!  The day only got better after this - got home and the parents took me out on the boat.  It was a bit chilly but still a good time.  Docked the boat and off to a Mardi Gras party.  AM and KM put on a killer party with food, drinks, and a perfect spot to watch the parade.  The only thing that would have made the day better was staying a little long.  The busy day ended with a wedding reception. 

Friday night party.

After the enjoyable Saturday morning ride.
Welcome to the Beer Krew!

Das boot.

 Thankfully a friend was on patrol duty on our block - He scared away the cop that kept saying 'put it in a cup or I'll arrest you.' 

C, R, and I striking a pose.

Yes, we know we are a bunch of weirdos.

P came out with soap all over her sleeve.

Hello pollen.  Did you really have to appear so abruptly?

Friday, February 25, 2011

99 - I almost forgot!

I came back from Nashville and BOOM - hello 99% humidity.  Where did it come from?  There was no gradual easing back into it.  And unfortantly it's probably here to stay (but fortantly I get to train in it so I do eventually become used to it and then have a leg up at humid races).  I'm not sure how but I managed to forgot how drenched you become when running through water.  Literally on every run this week after about 5 min. it looked like I jumped into a swimming pool.  As a result, my times have really suffered.  It's time to bring back the truck loads of salt tablets just to keep me alive and able to finish a short run.  Right now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that humidity will not be a factor in Mississippi next weekend. 

Post first run back in the humidity - hello new challenge.

I'm going to have to get another pair - so wet they don't dry before the next days run.

Best part of work - being so close to home.  I get to come home almost every day for lunch and sit by the water.  Nice break from screaming sick kiddos - who by the way I love.

Last semi-long run before MS50 did not go as planned and was cut 6 miles short.  It just wasn't worth it to push through the dizzy feeling one week out from the race.  

I'm starting to get horrible tan lines from these.  What to do - there a lifesaver but I don't want to be reminded of them when I'm not running.

I had almost got up the guts to go swimming for the first time in 5 weeks.  My neighbor's pool reached 70 degrees so I didn't have an excuse.  I haven't been swimming because I don't like making the 35-40 min. drive to the community pool.  Well when I got to the pool I discovered a half of inch of pollen covering the top.  And no I'm not exaggerating.  Reason number 83 not to swim.  After this weekend - no more excuses - I'm getting back into the water.

The path I've made walking to my neighbor's house.  The S's are a great family!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back from Nashville

This past week I made my monthly trip to Nashville for class.  I was so thankful that the last snow they had was a week before I arrived and the weather was actually pleasant.  It was a pretty uneventful week with the exception of a presentation I had to give on Sunday - yick.  The big news of the week was my nasty snooty nose that is still sticking around.  I have never experienced anything like it before.  It's not runny - it's too think.  Too much info I know - but it is making me very nausea which is a feeling I don't do well with.  I'll take pain over that any day!  Anyways...I house/dog sat for a friend while I was in town and there happens to be a treadmill in the basement.  My total times on a treadmill I believe is now over 10.  With class having set times its hard to get runs in.  I try not to run in the dark especially in areas I do not know very well.  So that meant I started or finished almost every run on this.....

I'm not sure what I got more aggravated with: the treadmill or the this Gatorade I couldn't open.  I eventually just took a sharp knife and stabbed it open.  Take that!

First half of the run: outside - second half: inside.  This is before I remembered how much I hate the machine.

Afterwards.  Yup it makes me go crazy!

My friend.

This has been posted on several blogs and I just loved it and thought I would share.  An old school adidas ad - this is the norm.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Week

This week I'm thankful for my parents safe return from a wonderful three week trip and exhausted from school, work and training.  Now that more people are in the house the noise level has gone up and I'm no longer productive.  That means I'm waking up even earlier so I can get in some studying before training and before heading off to work - it's making for some really early morning.

Saturday afternoon chill time.  This place helps me regain focus better than anywhere else.

The start of trying to make homemade peppermint patties.

Despite hours in the freezer they never got hard which made dipping impossible.

The final product.

Marshmallows with hot chocolate.  There have been too many nights this year where I needed a cup to warm up.

Cheesy but I felt part of the office team and not just an intern when the billing company brought me one extra.

Finally!  Warm weather.  Adios hot chocolate.  68 degrees and bright blue skies with not a cloud around.  I actually struggled with the heat.  Wow - maybe I'm not ready for summer when the heat index is never below 100.

Pretty orchids I received from a friend for house/dog sitting.  They are so pretty!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cha Ching - Miles in the Bank

Blunt and chatty waitress: Why is your face bright red?
Me: It’s wind burnt.
Waitress: From what?
Me: I ran today, it was really windy.
Waitress: Oh, I was confused because it hasn’t been warm enough to layout.  So how far did you run to make you so red? 
Me: 35 miles
Waitress: Wow.  I didn’t know people did that.  No wonder why you are eating so much.  I’ve bike 25 miles before and that has never happened to me. 
Me: (smile – that’s all I could do)

Pre Run. Thought process: If I made a sign before hand then I would have to do it or it would just be a waste and that wouldn't be good.

My survival kit. 2 fruit punch Gatorades, 2 lemon lime, 1 glacier freeze, 1 water, 2 tic tac boxes filled with salt tabs, 5 shot blocks, 3 cliff bars, and a little bit of crunchy peanut butter.

This bush stash pile has a perfect record for not being stolen and is always in the shade.

My favorite place to stash on any run.  Palm trees don't let me give into my desire to stop because they prevent me from having to bend down on tired legs to pick anything up.

Post run.

Proof.  Ok a little slow (about 23 seconds/mile and 13 min. off my goal) but I'm still giddy.

The brick wall picture is starting to become a tradition.

It was a chilly morning when I headed out the door.  Started just above 30 and only warmed up to 51.  The sun was out with very few clouds so it made for pretty nice conditions once I got warmed up.

I DIDN'T DIE (shhh - I might have been able to go a little longer)!  I'm all smiles knowing that a long day was completed.

Ice bath w/o the ice because the water was cold enough.  I couldn't stop shivering.  I kept repeating "This is good for me...This is good for me."

Refueling.  Pink grapefruit and a bowl of Lucky Charms.  Horrible choices I know but nothing else sounded good and I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to hold down the better choice of grilled chicken.  Hey, milk is good for recovery, right?

The blue couch is the best place to plop after getting cleaned up.


Wind burnt.  The picture just doesn't show how red my face really is. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Running Towards Calm

Wednesday morning  is one for the memory books.  I woke up and knew I wouldn't make my 75 minute run before work.  I was sore, tired, and exhausted which is not a good combo when it's cold outside.  It's not very often I change a workout or just cross it off the plan because I feel like it.  But in this case it wasn't set in stone that I needed to do it and it just wasn't worth it for the long run.  Still, I was disappointed in myself when I stayed inside and did schoolwork until I would only have enough time to get in a 30 minute run.  Boy, once I stepped outside I was surprised and so thankful.  The sunrise should have long been gone but it stayed painted in the sky just for me.  It had more colors than I have ever seen in a sunrise and it lit up the sky like only a sunrise over a Florida marsh can do.  It was beautiful and calming.  The next 30 minutes I forgot about how tired I was (although my pace proved it to me later) and couldn't wipe the smile off my face.  And although the sun was well above the horizon the colors were still sketched in the sky and in my memory when I arrived back home.  It felt as if I was given the perfect gift and my giddiness lasted all day.  This is why I love what I do.  The early mornings and worn out body really is worth it.   

I took this picture off Google Images because I didn't have time to run back inside the house and grab my camera.  Picture more clouds, more colors, and more vibrant shades - then you would have my perfect sunrise.

Target trademark on my towel.  When I ride my bike I cover my seat with a plastic bag and then a towel.  Guess I got pretty sweaty that ride.


Proof I'm really a registered nurse in the State of Florida.  It took over a month to get to me.