That's right. The first week of the year I turned a quarter of a century years old. A little bit sad, a little bit scary, and a lot too soon! Saturday it became real when I participated in the Frozen Floridian - a small local tri. I had to catch myself when they asked my age to put on my calf. I wasn't planning on racing when I went to bed the night before. I thought it was a little to much money and not worth it for such a short race. I slept horrible the night before and was wide awake early enough to get my bike off the trainer and all my stuff together. I ended up heading to the beach and signing up just before the race started. I'm glad I did. I don't think I would race it again, but I would volunteer. My birthday was made complete with a first place overall female finish, a homemade cookies and cream icecream cake, and an afternoon spent kayaking on the creek. A nice end to the week considering all week I was fighting mental battles when running. Granted I won each one of them but I was never pumped. It almost wasn't worth the agony. I needed a little pick me up and a reminder to put the fun back in it. After cancelling a few runs and a good race, I'm back on board. I really think it boils down to I miss biking and swimming. I'm just not a full time runner.
Watching the Bama bowl game. 49-7 win over Michigan State!
I decided to start taking vitamins. My last attempt at this was in high school. We will see how long it last.
First day of work. Boy is there a story here.
Frozen Floridian swim at Frank Brown Park.
Approaching the finish line shouting out my number - 11.
Just barley squeezed out first overall female.
Ahhhhhh - 25!
I loved getting to spend my birthday in the woods.
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