Sunday, March 10, 2013

Milking the Moping

Earlier this week I had given Phil a hard time for milking the moping.  IE talking about how worried he is about his knee and going down the ‘what if’ trail.  All the ‘what ifs’ were negative.  I thought he was just trying to get my sympathy or get out of workouts.  Today I realized I was wrong.

His knee pain has been starting around mile 15.  We were going to do 18-20 today but decided last night that I would split it up into two runs and he would just do the later with me.  I was ok with that.  I headed out this morning and knew from the start it was going to be bad.  I was dehydrated despite waking up twice last night to drink.  I got extremely dizzy and called it at mile 6.  It just wasn’t worth it.  My legs were pooped but that didn’t bother me I was still able to move them.  I just didn't like being alone when I felt weird.  I walked for 3 miles and then was able to run the last 3 home.  I wasn’t discouraged because I knew the problem. 

I ate and drank tons and headed off to church and then had a quick swim.  My swim was excellent.  Although I only did 30 laps they had some pace to them.  Quickly got home and met up with Phil for another try at 10 miles.  We made it one mile and he needed to turn around.  He was already limping.  We grabbed my bike and he road next to me the last 8.  I am very thankful for him as I know that must have been discouraging.  It didn’t help to hear comments like “Who has the better deal in this case” and “There’s something wrong with that situation.”  I think it showed his compassion and not his weakness.  I finished up the run feeling good.  It was slow…real slow but I was able to do it on tired legs and could have kept going.  

A first happened today: my car was broken into.  I'm not sure how as nothing was broken but when I got in my car to head to church all three off my compartments had been opened and stuff was pulled out on all over the floor and on the seats.  As far as I can tell nothing was taken.  Strange.  Maybe they just wanted money.  Hopefully I'll get to look at the security video tomorrow since it was the spot directly in front of the building and see who it was.  I had already cleaned a lot up before taking the picture.


Guana River Round Two

Yesterday was perfect.  I started the morning with a quick 1 hour trainer ride while watching the Gate River Run on the television.  I had a decent cadence and was enjoying pushing.  Watching running races can be fun and this one was good motivation.  I really wanted to go further but got off as I only had about 45 min before Phil was picking me up to go run 26.5 miles.  

Sticking with tradition (ie done once the time before) I had Phil stop at Chick-fil-a for a biscuit.  We arrive 2 min after breakfast hours ended but they still had some remaining.  Score.  It’s the secret weapon.   I am still in shock that Phil has never had one of these.

We didn’t have much of plan starting off: it was my second time at Guana and Phil’s first.  The rough plan was to do an out and back and refuel at the car at mile 18.  The was because we (1) wanted to try to get to the other parking lot to see if there was water, (2) mile 18 is a little after where Phil’s knee has been acting up this week, and (3) we couldn’t carry any more water.  I had my backpack and Phil at my waist pack and two hand helds. 

At mile two I had to stop and take a lifesaving 800mg motrin.  My left knee and hip were acting up and I wasn’t going to deal with it.  The first 1.5 is the only soft sand and soft sand and I don’t get along.  Luckily it didn’t bother me at all after that point.  Soon after we passed where the wild hogs were last time and didn’t see them.  You could however see where they tear up the trail.  Phil was pushing me at this point as he was feeling really strong.

Near the top of the park we ran into two men who were lost looking for their wives on horseback.  We hadn’t seen them.  They were trying to just get back to the parking lot.  After asking, they said there was water where they parked.  Perfect.  We were at the point where we needed to turn around or if we explored we would HAVE to find the water.  We’ll we did neither.  Uh Oh.  The trail/road splits into three sections.  We ran to the dead in of two of them.  No luck.  The third…well it was muddy.  We made it about a mile in and I was annoyed but Phil was frustrated.  It was getting worse and worse.  We called it.  I knew it would be tough getting back.  

Heading back I wanted to do the trails and not the road.  Same distance just parallel.  The problem is I didn’t know how far we had to go.  What I thought would be a little more than 5 was 7 miles.  We should have gotten to the car a little after 20 but instead it was 23.  

Phil was doing great until mile 15 when his IT band started acting up.  Thankfully he hasn’t experienced any injuries before but unfortunately that means he doesn’t have the past to help him determine how much he can push through before pain turns into true pain and worsening the injury.  By mile 18 he was limping pretty bad and he called it by mile 20.  Although I felt great I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him with neither of us being familiar with the surroundings.  Plus walking is beneficial and we both needed fluids. 

While running I had very little stomach issues (success!).  Three separate occasions I had slight pains but they went away in a few min.  The most painful part was walking.  We refilled at 23 and continued walking to get our total 26.5.  The last two miles Phil wanted to try to run and I just couldn’t get started.  I was soooo salty and hadn’t really eaten since we started walking.  My body wouldn’t go. 

We finished of the run with some sit ups.  We started this earlier in the week and have kept it going after each run.  Hopefully it will pay off because I have lost all of my core strength since I’m not biking outdoors any more.  

Thankfully last night I had no pains and wasn’t sore at all.  I love that feeling!  No if I just didn’t have a bruised nail that I would bet I will loose it would have been the perfect day. Wild life spotted: armadillos, baby alligator, big alligators, bald eagle, and deer!


My first swim over 45 min since Oct. 24.  It was about time.  It actually felt good to be in the pool for an hour.  Huge bonus that I didn't get bored. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No Go

5:30 am and it was freezing.  41 with 20mph wind.  We were going to run 13 but within 5 min of Phil arriving he was back out the door.  So much for us holding each other accountable.  I hate the cold.  We will try again tonight.

Back To The Grind

First day running in 5 days due to the trip with Malissa.  The break was purposeful and the trip was scheduled to give myself much needed rest after a heaving training block.  It worked.  I was a little nervous heading out for a 16 mile on Monday but the legs felt great.  Negative slit and held the last 6 miles around an 8:15 pace.  The only downside to the run was my four pee stops – I’m not sure what was up with my bladder.  My new nutrition plan seems to be working better.  1 shot block alternating with 2 shot blocks every 2 miles rather than always two.  We will see how this does on a long run.  Overall I’m ready to start this week: 80+ miles ahead of me.  

Happy post run. 

Unhappy post run.

Phil's first experience with IT band troubles.  
To punctuate the first day back I biked, swam, and went to a body sculpting class with Bre at the YMCA.  I almost died by class time.  I needed food and was really tired.  It doesn’t help that I have zero muscle and was having a hard time doing the reps with only 10lbs on the bar.  One more thing to make me realize I really do need to start doing strength training.  

Last night (Tuesday) we cancelled intervals again but for a good reason.  Phil's knee is giving him a lot of trouble.  Instead of doing 8 miles of intervals we did 8 miles walking.   It was slow but steady and probably just as beneficial to me in terms of long term training.


I had a great weekend spending time with my dear college friend in Orlando.  She arrived in Jacksonville Thursday night and we went to watch the musical Billy Elliot.  We woke up Friday and heading down to Orlando and stayed until Monday.  We went to a Braves spring training game against the Nationals and all four Disney theme parks.  It wiped me out!