Sunday, January 30, 2011

It is possible!

I never thought I would have two solid weeks of running in a row.  But it has happened and my legs are trashed.  It's a good feeling.  This week I've finally admitted to myself I would love to be sponsored - even someplace small would count.  I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me it is.  Before I would have never said that out loud, but why not, it's a goal.  I want to be faster, have a bigger impact, and not look like I have no clue what I'm doing while I'm doing it.  Plus this lifestyle it expensive and I need all the help I can get it.  I've also realized my running form is horrible.  While looking at some of my favorite running pictures I saw that I'm a horrible heel striker and straight leg runner.  I'm sure anything else I could be doing wrong I'm doing.  Now I'm spending some time trying to figure out what I can do to learn to run the proper way and hopefully prevent injuries.  This week in pictures....

Post run in a downpour.

I hadn't ran in hard rain in a long time.

I love home!

Getting my stash together for my long run of the week.

Wondering how many of my water bottles would be taken - the answer ZERO!  That never happens!  Topped off with salt pills in the sports bra.

The longest run of my life.  Half planned, half thought it was a joke.

The proof.  Might have been slow but I was still really excited.

The post run salt face.

Miles in the bank.

Pool bath relief.

Good thing this feeling only lasted an hour or two.

A neighborhood sign that I just can't help but to smile when I run past it.  The yard is filled with bikes and a huge swing - sometimes I'm tempted to stop and play.

Ended the week poolside in near 70 degree, blue sky weather with a great (non school related) book.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This week was one of those you dream about, hope for, and sometimes think will never happen.  Everything training wise was great and I couldn't stop smiling.  My legs were pushed to the limits and kept giving me more.  They were fatigue but still able to support me.  I would have ran much much more but I didn't want to get injured.  I figured increasing my weekly mileage by over 10 miles was probably enough.  Ahh to feel like I was running free.  I went on night run which I haven't done in forever.  Not going to lie - it was a little scary.  My neighborhood is dark.  I love running in the morning while watching the sunrise - not after it's already gone to bed.  On Friday I had my long run.  I had some set goals, pace points, and the attitude that I was going to finish no matter what.  I wasn't going to stop until 18 but deep down 20 was on my mind.  After a half of a mile it was all about the twenty.  I was in a grove and happy with my pace.  There were moments when I didn't even realize I had music on and was instead nsync with my body.  I only had one gatorade bottle and two packs of shot blocks - if it wasn't for this limitation I could have kept going.  I could have done ten more but knew I would get into trouble without nutrition.  I hesitate to say this but I really enjoyed running this week in a way I haven't ever before.  Is it possible that I'm becoming a true runner?

Post evening run.

20 mile success!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


How to balance work, school, and training (trying to fit in mini workouts during lunch).
How to embrace running in snow and on top of ice while in Nashville.
How to suture.

I'm really not a fan of running in sub 20 - especially when it's snowing.

To many runs in the cold - glad I'm back in FL.

Yummy: the last of my icecream bday cake.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Quarter

That's right.  The first week of the year I turned a quarter of a century years old.  A little bit sad, a little bit scary, and a lot too soon!  Saturday it became real when I participated in the Frozen Floridian - a small local tri.  I had to catch myself when they asked my age to put on my calf.  I wasn't planning on racing when  I went to bed the night before.  I thought it was a little to much money and not worth it for such a short race.  I slept horrible the night before and was wide awake early enough to get my bike off the trainer and all my stuff together.  I ended up heading to the beach and signing up just before the race started.  I'm glad I did.  I don't think I would race it again, but I would volunteer.  My birthday was made complete with a first place overall female finish, a homemade cookies and cream icecream cake, and an afternoon spent kayaking on the creek.  A nice end to the week considering all week I was fighting mental battles when running.  Granted I won each one of them but I was never pumped.  It almost wasn't worth the agony.  I needed a little pick me up and a reminder to put the fun back in it.  After cancelling a few runs and a good race, I'm back on board.  I really think it boils down to I miss biking and swimming.  I'm just not a full time runner.

Watching the Bama bowl game. 49-7 win over Michigan State!

I decided to start taking vitamins.  My last attempt at this was in high school.  We will see how long it last.

First day of work.  Boy is there a story here.

Frozen Floridian swim at Frank Brown Park.

Approaching the finish line shouting out my number - 11.

Just barley squeezed out first overall female.

Ahhhhhh - 25!

I loved getting to spend my birthday in the woods.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Last week of off-season and the end of 2010

It's crazy to think this year is over.  Just like in the past, this year FLEW by and left me wanting more.  I'm thankful for all the experiences I've had and places I've gotten to see.  I'm not one for resolutions but there are things I would like to change, do different, do better. 

It's bitter sweet that off season is over.  I didn't spend as much time with friends as I would have liked to.  To make it worse on the very last day I pulled my back helping my mom shop at Dillard's big sale.  There's nothing worse than starting the year in less than ideal shape. 

A Christmas gift to myself - compression calf sleeves.  Lets hope they work.  I waited to jump on the ban wagon so I better be impressed.

M got to come after the holidays and spend two days with us and our toys.
N, M, and LC on the rip stick.

LC's favorite game - run to the other side of the dock in 10 seconds or less.

Starting something new - running with music.

Post run with Ron and Chloe.  Ron told me I was an 'uncoordinated mess.'

Mom and I on the last day of 2010.  Walking 23rd street trying to figure out phone issues.  It was a pretty amusing afternoon.

First run of 2011.  Quads were on fire!

I love that on Jan. 1st its warm enough to run in a sports bra yet cold enough that the pool can count as an ice bath.  Too bad I only lasted two min.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Celebrating the Birth of Christ

Making dog biscuits for Max and LC.

Uncle C's gift to the 'kids' - sick stilts.  I think he wants us dead.  It's going to take me a while to jump over cars and run 23mph.  He gave them to us a few days before hand so we could take advantage of the good weather before three cold and windy days.

The annual Dec. 23rd Christmas carolling adventure with the Smith family.  E even came this year (look closely - back left)!

The girls post carolling.

Putting out one carrot and one reindeer cookie to please the mother.  No liquid.  Deep down I wanted to  put things out knowing that there would be a surprise there in the morning.

Christmas morning.  Santa brought me my last bell.  Every year I have been in school I have received a small bell from Santa.  I cherish this tradition because it is so unique.  This year was a BIG bell.  I got the hint that I'm done with school come August.

E.Q.  My cousins first child.

Explaining my Christmas gift to my Grandmother. Some very old pictures that were slides (yes I picked my favorite from all the ones I did for my parents).  Everyone enjoyed looking at what our dads/uncles/grandparents looked like 30+ years ago.

An enjoyable evening with the family and champagne.

And although this picture is one day too early for this week it's getting posted.  Can't believe my mom turned 60!  The star cake was a hit.