Thursday, February 10, 2011

Running Towards Calm

Wednesday morning  is one for the memory books.  I woke up and knew I wouldn't make my 75 minute run before work.  I was sore, tired, and exhausted which is not a good combo when it's cold outside.  It's not very often I change a workout or just cross it off the plan because I feel like it.  But in this case it wasn't set in stone that I needed to do it and it just wasn't worth it for the long run.  Still, I was disappointed in myself when I stayed inside and did schoolwork until I would only have enough time to get in a 30 minute run.  Boy, once I stepped outside I was surprised and so thankful.  The sunrise should have long been gone but it stayed painted in the sky just for me.  It had more colors than I have ever seen in a sunrise and it lit up the sky like only a sunrise over a Florida marsh can do.  It was beautiful and calming.  The next 30 minutes I forgot about how tired I was (although my pace proved it to me later) and couldn't wipe the smile off my face.  And although the sun was well above the horizon the colors were still sketched in the sky and in my memory when I arrived back home.  It felt as if I was given the perfect gift and my giddiness lasted all day.  This is why I love what I do.  The early mornings and worn out body really is worth it.   

I took this picture off Google Images because I didn't have time to run back inside the house and grab my camera.  Picture more clouds, more colors, and more vibrant shades - then you would have my perfect sunrise.

Target trademark on my towel.  When I ride my bike I cover my seat with a plastic bag and then a towel.  Guess I got pretty sweaty that ride.


Proof I'm really a registered nurse in the State of Florida.  It took over a month to get to me.

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